Springer offers 20% ESNO conference discount on our nursing books.
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Springer publishes a program of various nursing academic titles.
Among them, the Principles of Specialty Nursing Series, endorsed by ESNO, Editor: Ber Oomen
Two titles are available:
• European Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing in the 21st Century A Person-Centred Evidence-Based Approach Santos, José Carlos, Cutcliffe, John R. (Eds.)
• Principle of Nursing in Oncology Charnay-Sonnek Françoise, Murphy, Anne (Eds.)
Next title to come in 2022:
• Principles of Nursing in Adult Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Under the auspices of ESGENA Eds. Ulrike Beilenhoff, Wendy Waagenes, Marjon de Pater-Godhelp, Christiane Neumann Eds.
Next topics:
• Anesthesia Nursing. Eds. Nico Decock, Adriano Friganovic
• Nursing in Kidney Care. Ed. Maria Teresa Parisotto
Feel free to submit a new nursing specialty textbook proposal for ESNO’s review!
Contact: Nathalie L’horset-Poulain, Head of the Nursing global program: nathalie.lhorset-poulain@springer.com
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