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Friday 9 June 2023

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08.00-09.00 Registration with welcome coffee

09.00-09.15 Introduction 'ESNO Fellowship program' - Adriano Friganovic

09.15-09.30 Perspective on health workforce and oppurtunieties - Thomas London

09.30-09.45 Health workforce in European context - Danko Relic

09.45-10.00 Introduction Round Tables by Ber Oomen

Discussing the shift from Nurse workforce as a quantitative problem to a qualitative solution through the 6 Health Megatrends in professional competence development: Creating a Sustainable Future Health Care Sector

1. European Aging Population
2. Chronic disease and co-morbidity
3. Digitalisation of the society
4. Personalised care and Prevention
5. The modern health consumer
6. The active role on environment in health
7. Mental health*

Lead are co-moderators by: Key notes and ESNO member CEO’s

* Mental Health is additional included because of the special program under the next presidencies: Sweden and Belgium.

10.00-10.45 Round 1  
Table 1  Moderated by: Gaetan Lafortune and ESNO CEO
Table 2  Moderated by: Joyce Fitzpatrick
Table 3  Moderated by: Danko Relic
Table 4  Moderated by: Laura Cigolot
Table 5  Moderated by: Bert Vrijhoef
Table 6  Moderated by: Tamsin Rose
Table 7  Moderated by: EESC

 Coffee break

11.15 - 12.00 Round 2  ‘Cross Pollination’  Draft points of Relevance

12.00 - 12.45 Round 3 ‘Emergence’  Drafting Recommendations

12.45 - 13.45 Lunch break

13.45 - 14.15 Plenary - Moderators feedback tables 

14.15 - 14.30 End of meeting

14.30 - 15.30 Cocktail